Monday, 2 November 2009

Secrets of Making Money Online

One of the main secrets on how to make money online is to give people what they want! How are you supposed to know what they want? Easy what do you want? The key to having a successful business is that basic. Giving people what they want and the best way to do this is to know what you want. Now I know your thinking there are plenty of things I could sell that I don't necessarily want but other people do, which is true so you have to look at is from another perspective if I did want this product how would I want it. This is truly the great secret of making money online act as if you are your own customer and make sure you are being treated the way you want to be treated when purchasing items online.

Another one of the main secrets of making money online is to let people know you have what they want. Its all about Marketing Marketing Marketing! You could have the best product in the world but if people don’t know you have it what good is it going to do. Now you might be wondering again I thought this article was supposed to be teaching me the secrets of making money online and how is marketing your product one of the secrets of making money online sense everyone knows you need to market your product. Which is true the need to market your product is not one of the great secrets of making money online but the ways you market your product are. Now its time to learn the marketing secrets of making money online.

Marketing Secrets of Making Money Online #1 – Google Adwords
Now you are probably thinking Google Adwords is not one of the secrets of making money online everyone already knows about Google Adwords. Which may be true but very few people know the secrets of how to use it correctly to make money online. If you don’t follow certain rules when using Google Adwords then you could end up spending allot of money without making any in return. Rule #1 know your budget you need to know what each click is worth to you and not spend over that amount when first starting out do not bid over 15 cents per click. Rule # 2 If you can’t be in one of the top 4 spots with your budget then don’t bid. Now I know you’re now wondering how you are supposed to bid on top placing spots with such a low budget and that brings us too… Rule #3 bid on specific phrases that don’t have allot of competition and remember only bid on the phrases that will get you in the top 4 spots.

Marketing Secrets of Making Money Online # 2 – Create your own eBooks and reports Give them away for free and give other people the option to give them away for free also. I’m sure your wondering now how giving away things can count as one of the marketing secrets of making money online. Simple every one you give away will have a link back to your very own website. And when other people give them away (because people are always looking for good free info to give out on the internet) those will have a link back to your website also. Soon enough you will have links to your website all over the internet for FREE. It does not get much better then that does it. The best part of doing it this way vs. just getting your link out their with other methods is these are things people download to their computer so if they don’t buy the first time you can be sure if you have good info in it they will look at it again and again each time gives you more of a chance for them to click on your link and buy something. That’s why its one of the great secrets of making money online.

I hope you enjoyed learning some of these secrets of making money online. Of course there are many other secrets of making money online but sense this is supposed to be a short article I just focused on the ones people find to be the most profitable. Of course one of the biggest secrets of making money online is taking ACTION. Again you’re saying that’s not a secret everyone knows you need to take action. My question for you is this then if so many people know they need to take action then why do so few people actually do it? Don’t be one of those people TAKE ACTION NOW.

Here’s to your success!

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